So, I got a business service being called inside a workflow asynchronously where below small piece of code was failing for some set of records while it was working fine for other records:
var SRId = Inputs.GetProperty("SRId");
var SRBOBusObject = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Service Request");
var SRBC:BusComp = boinactive.GetBusComp("Service Request");
var SerialMVGBC:BusComp;
var SerialAssocBC:BusComp;
SetSearchSpec("Id", SRId);
{SerialMVGBC = SRBC.GetMVGBusComp("Serial Number");}
SerialAssocBC = SerialMBVGBC.GetAssocBusComp();
// While debugging I found that code was failing
// for some records at above step
When I debug the issue and checked for the logs, the error I saw was:
No association list is available in this applet.(SBL-DAT-00276)
Strange part was, for some of the records this code was working fine and failing for some records.
While debugging I realize that the record on which this code was failing, was Read-Only. This is the due to the fact that when Service Request status change to "Closed" it gets read-only and the error was quite confusing in the way when it said "No association list is available".
Might be helpful for you in future if you face this error, please check record should not be read-only for any reason, not even due to "BC Read Only Field" user property on the business component.
Note: this is the reason you don't see the "Associate Applet" inside the MVG Shuttle applet configured on any MVF on the UI, if the record is Read-only.
1. If you are operating on Service Request business component, then you can make use of "Always Enabled: <_MVL Dest BusCompName>" user property and then GetAssocBusComp() method would work even on read-only records. Drawback of this workaround would be, on the UI user can open the MVG applet and can associate a record in it even if the Service Request record has status = Closed.
2. Another better way is to operate on business component based on the inter-table. And just do a NewRecord().
In my case , following solution worked: