Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dedicated client's spool file

Spool file generated by dedicated client is one of the unique feature which Siebel provides and help Siebel Developers while debugging many Performance issues in the application.
For every action we perform in Siebel, like navigate to view, create a new record, query for some data etc, Siebel generates a SQL query which runs at the database and data is being displayed on the UI.

Siebel spool file is a text file that contains each query executed at the database. So whenever you see any performance issue (like navigation on some view is taking time, query on some applet taking time), you can use this file to check for the query which is culprit and responsible for the delay.

We just need to perform the below mentioned steps to make the spool enable in the system :
a) Right click on the icon, which is being used to open the dedicated client.
b) Click on Properties, system will popup the icon's properties window.
c) Append the below mentioned line in "Target" section :
/s c:\spool.log
d) Click on Ok.
e) Open a new Siebel dedicated client session.

Now you will see a file gets generated with a name "spool.log" which contains all the query which is being executed at the database.

How I can use it for performance Issue

As soon as you see any performance issue in the application, take the same SRF that is being used in thin-client and open a Siebel dedicated client session with the same SRF after enabling the Spool.
Perform the same action resulting performance issue, in dedicated client. Once you see the data on the UI (lets say after 10-15 mins), open the spool file and check for the query which is taking such big amount of time. This way you will get to know which the culprit query is and run that query on the database directly to check if there is something wrong with the query.
If yes, you need to check for the configuration done last which is making query to perform slow. If No, then your DBAs might help you in improving the performance by creating any new index or regenerating the table/index statistics, if required.


  1. Hi,

    this is very interesting.
    Where have I to add the /s c:/spool.log when I connect directly to the server without having a local installation?
    Many thanks for your help.


  2. I have created a free program to help you analyze the SIEBEL SQL log files generated via spools or via server logs. It will help you order the sqls via execution times to find the slowest queries and help with tuning. It will also help process the SQL's - just click and right click on a sql to see the SQL with all the bind variables embedded in it. - The application is called SPerf.

  3. @Dominik: If you are talking about thin-client (as you said, without having a lcoal installation), then in that case you cannot use this feature. This is only applicable for Dedicated connections. In your case Siebel Object Manager Log might be helpful that Siebel Administrator can extract from server webclient directory.

  4. after setting s parameter , when i try to open thick client i am getting config failed error
